Monday, 23 December 2013

In the Time of My Favor by Olivia Reitz Long

 Olivia Reitz Long - (2007)
"In the time of My favor, I heard you, and in the day of salvation, I helped you. I tell you, NOW, is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation." 2 Cor 6:2
"and the Words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, the purified seven times." Psalm 12
My Beloved, you have been experiencing My Glory but from a distance. Very soon now, you will experience it far beyond your comprehension of My Glory, as I am revealing it unto My Faithful Ones. I have said this would happen In the Time of My Favor and that time is nigh upon you. You shall be moving forth with signs and wonders following. Victory, Victory is in MY camp!
I AM moving swiftly and I AM calling My Glorious Beloved, as I AM moving swiftly! As you stand before ME, as you dance before Me, as you worship before ME and as you sing a new song before ME, strongholds are coming down, territories once stolen by the enemy are being released.. Blinders are coming off...
Now, I have made a turn, the course I have set before you is now coming to past - those of you who are truly serving Me in truth and you WILL have My protection in the dark days ahead. I will deliver My Beloved from the current snares and circumstances that you have been living under and from the ultimate motive of he, who has been sent to ensnare you, but his plans have been foiled by your one and only Living God!
I shall now bring complete freedom to you, freedom in every way! You have been prepared by My hand and you will stand completely before Me. You have been called and chosen by My name and you shall stand triumphant in the midst of all that is to come. A spirit of peace has been coming upon you, and My Spirit of Peace shall lead you together from this day forward.
You shall walk in what I have ordained for you and you will not compromise in any way but walk in MY truth and I shall raise you up Victorious, by My hand, for you have heeded my command - to walk in love and compassion for others and have sought only Me in the midst of all that has been happening to you. You hear My voice and you do not listen to that of another. You have placed before ME everything, even your own ambitions and desires, now You will see ME move and you shall go forth in My Name as My Light unto the world, and seeing all of My promises to you, come to past and receiving blessings beyond what you can contain.
Hear ME .... 'Do not fret yourselves any longer, I say it again, do not fret yourselves any longer, because of the workers of iniquity, for they shall be cut off....' Jesus, the Christ has been the Rock of Conviction in you, and He is in you and with you and I say to you now, SURELY, the gates of hell shall not prevail and I shall bring you forth! Healed, sealed and delivered by your Almighty God!
Many of you will witness Me geographically move you in a twinkling of an eye. You will see My blessings surround you and you will be astounded. Everyone of My faithful ones, will experience the miraculous catapulting you into your destiny I have set before you. I speak to you, Now is the time of My favor, now is the day of salvation, now is the time for you to rejoice for you will see the salvation of the Lord in every area of your life.
Now is your time of MY Favor. I am moving and I AM moving swiftly! For My Faithful Ones, you shall see the favor of the I AM in what is now coming upon you! My Glorious presence!

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