Tuesday, 24 December 2013

I AM a God Who Delivers by Olivia Reitz

I AM a God Who Delivers
Olivia Reitz - January 24, 2001

Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks] for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus. I Thes 5:18
The Lord, your God is with you, He is mighty to save, He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. Zeph 3:17

To My children in the wilderness, I have said I would deliver you from the fire, for My purpose for you will be fulfilled, in My way and in My time. But you say, "I am in a real mess." My Beloved, I did not save you to leave you in a mess, but to be about your Father's business. Right now, you are going through frustration, worry, fear and confusion. Stress is a real factor in your life, it is "a given" - for I have a great work for you to be doing for Me, and Satan is 'not' going to roll over and overlook that, he is going to put up a fight. The adversary is pouring it on you, prowling "as" a roaring lion, but his roar is really pathetic next to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

When the enemy roars, it is to cause fear in the prey. He wants you to know that you are being hunted. He is a predator, and he desires to kill you. My children, do not be ignorant of either his nature or his schemes, for if you are, you are as a sitting duck for his attacks. Do not be deceived, he is very real and at work in this world. He has many faces, some even appearing very lovely and good, but still designed to deceive and defeat you. As Abram made a sacrifice, it was a confirming ceremony, My covenant with Abram. But he also had to drive off the vultures who sought to destroy the sacrifice. My chosen ones, you also made a sacrifice and received My covenant promises. Satan will do everything he can to defile our covenant together, to try to disrupt, divert and tear it apart. You must be alert, watching for if you fail to recognize his activity and his distractions, it will consume both your thoughts and your time away from me. You must drive the vultures away!

I have said "to take heed, lest you fall". If one who was so close to Me gave way to pride and fall into sin, so can you. He was Lucifer 'the shining one' ... but as 'the shining one' he got his eyes off Me, the I AM, who is the very source of "brilliance" and instead of giving Me praise, he became proud and boastful. My Beloved, he is bent on destruction and causing you pain. He is the accuser of the brethren, bringing condemning accusations against you. He wants to malign Me and My plan and to steal your destiny. He seeks to take even one of you - to bring bitterness, jealousy and pride against your brethren. He is deception personified, but you can be very certain that he will be answerable to Me!

So, here you are, in the wilderness - filled with stress. You have been under extreme pressure. My loved ones, people are watching you, both believers and unbelievers, watching how you react under this pressure - what you do or say when the going has gotten rough, and there seems to be no way out. You say that I AM the answer. So, are you drawing them toward you and Me, or away? At the most trying time of your life, what are you saying? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. At this time, when everything is pressing in, some under extreme adversity, what do you say? Do they see that you have every confidence that your God will work it out for your good? Do they see that you have faith in your God?

You want a miracle? Praise Me IN the midst of ALL situations. That's where miracles begin. No ... I have not guaranteed to you a stress-free life, BUT, I have given you A GOD WHO DELIVERS. I AM your overcoming power for stress. I brought over two million of My people out of Egyptian bondage across the Red Sea. I provided food and water for them in the wilderness, clothing and shoes that would not wear out and gave them the land the enemy held. Do you think that I cannot do the same for you? I AM bringing forth My Remnant. But you must be a holy remnant, one dead to the world and Satan's schemes. A remnant of 'overcomers', overcoming Satan's world system. Jesus Christ is your faith and faith brings the victory. Claim your victory, by faith. I have given you My Holy Spirit for strength and victory. I have given you My Word and I have given you My commitment, for I AM a faithful God.

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is rising to His feet and He is setting out a Roar - a roar to summon HIS 'bold ones' to come forth, mighty as HIS lions, for the night is far spent. At one time, timid as kittens, but now you shall rise as "MY LIONS", Regal in appearance, bold in your God and bold in your walk. I am raising up a people with the power and strength of a lion. Yes, you shall have a mighty roar but you will have "power under control." My lions also shall be predators, seeking out the prey, exercising judgment and justice, having authority over the enemy and all his followers.

You say, "But Lord, I am still in the wilderness, and I am surrounded by troubles, how can I make it"? Haven't I said that My grace is sufficient? Haven't I said that I can make even the wilderness bloom? Be still, My Glorious Beloved, feel My love, for I am singing over you. Remember, My Beloved, I AM A GOD WHO DELIVERS.

Olivia Reitz
email: mreitz@penn.com

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