Behold It Comes by Olivia Long - (2010)
"The desert and the parched land will be glad: the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; "they will see the Glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God." Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, "be strong, do not fear; your God will come, He will come with vengeance; with divine retribution, He will come to save you." Isaiah 35: 1-5
"Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert." Isaiah 35: 6
"And the ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away." Isaiah 35: 10
To My Faithful Ones, know that you are not forgotten and at this very moment, I AM very close to you, closer now than you can even think or imagine. While you gave for others, drawing from your own need and from your own experience in the damp confines of the cave where I placed you, not a place of imprisonment but a place of honor.... surely, SURELY, I say to you, that soon and very soon... AND "SUDDENLY"... you shall walk free into the Sonlight, knowing of My great abundance and walking in joy unspeakable.
To My Glorious Beloved, you have been obedient to My call and My word. I have given you encouragement by way of prophecies, dreams and My Word. I said I would continue to encourage and feed you from My Word and from dreams and prophecies until you see the fulfillment of My word. I AM a God Who cannot lie, My word is true and I will accomplish what I intend to do. Your love for Me is as a fragrance that stirs My very Being and as Job, I shall restore and even increase you... I shall give unto you, and in doing so, I AM giving to Myself.
Even though abased, you shall surely now abound in Me even more - more than you have ever known before... 'still you persevered.'
You have found yourselves isolated and it has gotten very lonely at times... 'still you persevered.'
I have seen you in the times when you felt you had nothing left to worship and praise Me with... 'still you persevered.'
I heard you when no one was looking at you as you wept bitter and sorrowful tears and I gathered every tear unto Myself. "I, your God, heard you!" .... 'still you persevered.'
For many, Satan has tried to discourage you through family matters... 'still you persevered.'
When you were alone and you felt as though no one cared, no one understood, I was there with you and "I understand all!" I AM creating in you, a "new thing" and I will change all wounded hearts from so many hurts and false witnesses that rose up against you. I AM restoring you from every word that caused any doubt in your walk, from any who said you were not called and chosen by Me, that you do not hear, that My promises to you will never be. "I will tear these words down" and take them from your innermost being. Yes, you have suffered much in this walk, I chose for you... 'still you persevered.'
Yes, 'still you persevered' as you continued a course of action in spite of any and all difficulties. You were determined, at any cost, to hear and heed only your Master's voice.
Through all the valleys, now you will find the river of refreshing, the river of life.
Through all the deserts, now you will find an oasis of plenty.
I have made all the preparations and now you shall see them enacted in your lives.
Obedience, I AM rewarding faithfulness for obedience. I still do that, I still reward when you are faithful and obedient.
I AM the God of justice and now you shall see My reward for your steadfastness, your obedience for the years of injustice that you have endured and I shall contend with All who have contended with you.
Now, you are about to receive an anointing of greater power, authority and revelation. You shall see the salvation of the Lord, with My rewards following.
MY Son shall be glorified in you AS HE glorifies ME, your Father. This is My will for you, in the tumultuous days ahead, that I will use My specially trained and loving sons and daughters, who shall be equipped in glory to do marvelous things as to the I AM.
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