Tuesday, 24 December 2013

A Solemn Word To The Church by Yolanda Ballard

A Solemn Word To The Church
Yolanda Ballard - (2003)

Wake up, Church, and cast off all that would hinder you, and be united and seek My face, says the Lord. Keep your balance in all things. Seek wisdom and knowledge, and stir up your gifts and arise above the circumstances, and stand on My promises. Quit striving, let go, and let Me reign in your lives. Rest in Me and I will take care of your every need, for I AM your Heavenly Father, and I take care of My own.

I say quit striving to accomplish all the works and the programs and all the projects, etc. If you would just seek My face and My righteousness, all these things will be added unto you, and that is all the needs of the Church. Just rest in Me for it is My Body and I AM the head and I AM in control. Just trust Me and yield to My will. Be not as Martha being consumed with all the things that look like they need to be done, but be like Mary, being consumed with My presence, being at My side, seeking My heart and My perfect will.

Keep things simple and cease striving and rest in Me, says the Lord. Trust Me and yield to My will for it is all My program, and I AM the One who ordained it, orchestrates it, and will accomplish it in My timing and in My ways, says the Lord. My word to you, Church, is for you to obey and let Me be God, and quit being a hindrance to Me for this is a solemn word to you, and I cannot stress that enough. Just quit striving and give it all to Me and rest, and I will remove what isn't of Me, and create My programs through you that will best accomplish My will through you.

Give all to Me and start anew. What is truly of Me will stand, and what isn't will be removed. I want My order and My will in My Church. Are you afraid to give Me your all? Are you afraid to trust Me? Don't you feel I AM capable to run My Church? There is too much that is not of Me in the camp. For I AM God, and I will have My way in this hour, for time is short, and I have a lot to accomplish through you, but you must be totally yielded, My people.

I say again. Let go of all that would obstruct My vision. Get back to the basics -- to seek My face and My will. Prepare your hearts to turn over everything to Me. Take your true position in Me. Put on your armor and begin to march with one goal, one focus, one vision ----- to pursue My holiness, My intimacy, My love, and to break through the gates, pull down strongholds and let My river flow!

Yolanda Ballard

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